At school, there are 5 places that your child “can” be bullied… This is to help you with your conversation with your child to help them not only be aware all the time, but especially when they venture into these 5 areas at school…
- Parking lot: while waiting to be picked up or just being dropped off your child could encounter bullies… Make sure your child stays alert as he goes to or comes from school.
- Hallway: As your child moves from class to class or class to the restroom or to the playground, the hallway is a place bullies like to impose their will…
- Field: While out running or playing kickball or some other activity, the field is another place where your child “could” be bullied.
- Playground area: Where the slide or monkey bars are located is another huge opportunity for bullies to impose their will on kids.
- Bathroom: To us, the bathroom is the worst place for your child if they are the victim of bullying… The bathroom can be secluded and this is where your child has to be on high alert… Bullies love to impose their will on others in the bathroom as it’s a place where help is likely not to come, or to come too late…
In conclusion: Please make your home and yourself available for your child to express not only how good their day was/is but also give them the confidence that your home and yourself are a “safe” zone for them to express any feelings that they may have.
Do not be “too busy” or “too distracted” for your child, EVER!!! If you don’t listen to your child somebody else will…
Coach Ken & Coach Allison
Anaheim Krav Maga